Full Screen Dialog in MFC

To create a Full Screen Dialog in MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class) application is a quite simple process. Here I've given a step-by-step procedure to create the Full screen dialog using MFC application.

  1. Open the Visual Studio application
  2. Select the New -> Project option
  3. New Project dialog will open. Select the MFC option in the left side pane and select the MFC Application in right side pane.
  4. Give the name of the project (for example FullScreenApp) and press OK. It'll open the MFC Application Wizard.
  5. Select the Application type as Dialog based.
  6. Select the User Interface futures option in the left side pane.
  7. Remove the tick mark in System Menu combobox present in the right side pane.
  8. Press the Finish button. MFC Application Wizard will create the dialog based application for you and Visual studio editor will automatically open the dialog.
  9. Open the Property sheet of the dialog.
  10. Set the Border property to None and Style to Popup.
  11. Open the dialog class (in this case FullScreenAppDlg.cpp) presented in the solution explorer.
  12. Go to the OnInitDialog() member function and the insert the below line to bottom of the function.
ShowWindow(SW_MAXIMIZE) ;

After completing all the steps, run the project. It will give you a very good Full screen Dialog application.


Thank buddy, this really helps!